Qualities of a successful executive
Sometimes people ask me what makes a good executive and what specifically are those competencies and characteristics. I have written about it before and I don't want to rehash old posts but I thought I would share another persons perspective on this subject this week.
Author David Cotter is an executive coach from Dallas, and he believes there are 8 reasons as to why some executives are successful while others are not.
According to David, the executives who are successful typically have the following strengths.
1. They keep going no matter what happens. Pure Determination and Perseverance.
2. They go the extra mile and exceed customer service.
3. They are ethical and they do what they say they will do.
4. They use their gut instinct. They know when it is worth making a gamble.
5. They learn from failure.
6. They trust in themselves and their vision.
7. They focus on things that they can control.
8. They have a thirst for knowledge. They are always seeking out information.
Good food for thought for this long weekend.