Making a good impression in an interview
Remember the Keys to a good impression in interview.
Smile - Engage with a natural smile as if you are connecting with an old friend. "No fake smiles like the world is perfect and so are you."
Handshake - A firm non-sweaty handshake that shows confidence.
Calm body language - I am a prime example of someone that likes to be constantly moving but when in a meeting you need to control any distracting body language. Cross your legs if you have fidgity legs, keep your arms to your side and never cross them. Use your arms to help relay a story but remember when it comes to hand motions in a conversation, "less is more."
Likability - Interviews and business meetings should not be one way communication. Enthusiasm and self deprecating sense of humour tend to score the highest for first meeting first impressions.
Energy - Positive energy is contagious and a magnet for most people. It is something that people want to be around at both work as well as at play. Don't be an energy suck.