Director Level Empowerment

When asked where I see the most activity in the market right now, my response sounds broad but unequivocally my answer is the Director Level.

The new world post-recession is all about flatter organizations which empower that director level more than ever.

This is happening for any number of the following reasons:


Business units are becoming more defined and/or specialized.


Senior Vice President and Vice President positions are being divided into two positions and often at a lower cost to the company.


The number of departments is being increased, but the headcount is not necessarily increasing at traditional “$ value to the business/people” ratios.


More business strategy is being assigned to people who “carry a bag” or are more involved with some portion of company business development.


Companies are expanding revenue streams to diversify, but still want to keep costs in control.


It is more common now that leaders feel that in ultra-competitive environments, flat organizations are more responsive, are more in touch with their customers and does not allow for “broken telephone” communication between strategy and execution levels.

Unfortunately many Vice President’s continually get squeezed by the new corporate model if they do not adapt.

The moral of the story is to stay connected and stay relevant at all management levels of an organization.

The new generation who are now often taking control of many small to mid-size companies also prefer flat organization structures, so assimilate or be left behind.

