Express Yourself as a Leader

One of the problems with the way that business is conducted today is that communication and tone have become very predictive and robotic.

Scripted answers with politically correct narratives and overused buzz words and phrases have become standard practice in all functional areas of a company.

This is mostly done to achieve basic communication while protecting image and ensuring that individual weakness is not exposed.

The reality is, the best managers are the ones who show their emotions.

They are the ones who inspire, provide forums of true open dialogue, and empower their staff by asking them for their ideas in even solving their own issues with mandates.

Effective leaders are almost always people who are comfortable in their own skin and are untroubled with telling people that that they do not have all the answers.

Managers that show emotions also encourage their team members to reciprocate which is extremely beneficial for a business.

When team members express their inability to grasp something, or communicate frustrations, stagnant situations are not allowed to fester which increases company productivity.

This environment also boosts employee morale and allows for a company to generate alternate trains of thought and out of the box thinking.

This is above and beyond the higher employee engagement scores and lower rates of turnover that a company will experience when there is more two way dialogue.

The old adage is as relevant as ever.

“People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

