August check list for people looking to change jobs
"Back to School" in September often means "Back to Reality" for most employees as the vacation season with families comes to an end.
Back to Reality can often mean that it is time to face the hard facts that you no longer enjoy your job. Perhaps the nice summer and warm weather was just a distraction to the reality of your life that appears when the colder weather arrives.
Every September I hear the common phrase, "I decided to take the summer off and begin my job search in the Fall."
In addition to being at risk of being one of many that have the same idea regarding their career search, it is also important to note that determining next steps for your career is not simply a switch that when it gets turned on, everything becomes crystal clear.
Do yourself a favour and make the job easier for yourself this Fall by starting to get the wheels turning in your head. You can easily do this on the dock at the cottage or in the hammock in your backyard.
You should determine:
-What makes you happy?
-What do you enjoy in your current job?
-What would you like to change or avoid in a job description?
Then you should close your eyes and ask yourself:
-What does the ideal company look like to you?
-What size of a company is it?
-What does the inside of the office look like?
-What are you doing when you envision a typical work day?
Now ask yourself:
-What are the industries of interest to you?
-What is the relevant work experience that would be useful and necessary to work in those industries?
-If an industry change is desired, do you have enough relevant experience that would make you attractive to companies in those industries? If there is nothing obvious you need to consider moving to the next industry of interest on your list.
If you are able to spend time on these areas, you will find that you will develop much more focus and will be able to better position yourself in September. You will be more precise and concise. Your 30 second elevator pitch will be tighter and you will be more likely to find that dream job and even accelerate the process of finding that job.