The key to retaining your top talent

Many companies (especially large ones) struggle with trying to better understand their employees of the younger generation.

"What do you mean you don’t want to accept this promotion that we are offering you in Iowa?  It will position you well for your future at this company!"

"You want more work/life balance concessions?  We just gave you 4 Friday half days prior to every long weekend!"

The stakes have changed.  The allure of a large structured company is not what it once was.  The new world now allows for smaller nimble companies to succeed and it has created many entrepreneurs.

So how do we keep top talent?

As always, culture is key with keeping top talent.  Although the #1 reason that people resign is still because of their boss, setting an accommodating but productive work culture is essential.

One of the best ways to establish this is to clarify job expectations regularly.  Many companies only establish yearly goals.  The more communication regarding these goals and breaking them down into bite size goals is always most effective.  You should not rely on employee’s breaking these down themselves.  It is not something that most employees will do on their own.  The more communication that occurs, the more likelihood of the goals being reached, it also increases touch point opportunities, and it also allows for rewards such as increased work life balance as more freedom can be rewarded when business goals are met.  This type of reward continues to drive good habits, and employees feel more appreciated and not as though they are just another animal in the herd of cattle.

