Reasons employees love their job
This is the time of year when some employees start to wrap up their work in anticipation of finally receiving their bonus so that that they can jump ship to a new organization. Perhaps the enjoyment of their job has been slowly extracted over time, maybe they are tired of mandates becoming increasingly unreasonable, or maybe their boss has finally broken their spirit. Regardless of the reason, companies should be focused on employee retention. Cull the heard when needed, but make sure to retain the top talent.
How do you retain tip talent?
TINYpulse (Employee Engagement and Organizational Monitoring firm) and Globoforce (Employee Recognition and Reward company) both recognized that there are 5 Key reasons why employees LOVE their jobs.
1. Coworkers - More time is spent at work with them than with spouses and family. Enough said.
2. Organizational Culture - the look of the office, the dress at the office, the values that are instilled in workers. Keep in mind, high turnover organizations are slower to innovate and grow.
3. Autonomy - Setting own schedules, working from home and being allowed to take leadership initiatives falls in this category. Trust encourages engagement.
4. Variety/Learning - High performing employees like to have both of these elements.
5. Being Challenged - No challenge at work results in an employee leaving the company or mentally “checking out” and/or developing a defeatist attitude.
Good luck trying to address these areas with your employee base.