Leadership Qualities
There are a few principles that strong Leaders follow on their way to success. These principles only exist in leaders who are confident in their abilities and are people who never get threatened by others in an organization or are people who get caught up in office politics.
1. They plan on succession planning and aim to make themselves obsolete. They do not fear that they could be potentially killing their own income stream, as they truly live life in a positive fashion and believe in the law of attraction that good performances will ultimately be rewarded with further opportunities.
2. They align goals and bonuses that are based on the bottom line. This makes motivation and drive uniform across all stakeholders in the organization. These types of leaders know that power comes in numbers.
3. These leaders are able to get everyone on the same team and on the same page. They make everyone feel special and valued. Again, when everyone is pulling on the rope at the same time, victory will arrive sooner.
4. They lead by example. They work the manufacturing floor and speak will all levels. They don't just address the grass roots employees at the quarterly meetings, they interact with everyone in the company on a daily basis.
5. They are quick to praise people for good work and are more focused on problem solving and pumping up their team, than finger pointing and getting caught up in firefighting.