A very important message regarding in-house recruitment

There has been a move of late for companies to implement in-house recruiting departments in order to reduce costs.

It is true that costs can be reduced this way but there is a significant downside to this approach and is even more worrisome when done at the executive level.

I obviously have a vested interest in the search industry, but my gift to you if you decide to develop your own in house recruitment team, you better make sure you are diligent in the following area or you most likely are not hiring top caliber talent to work in your organization.

**** Top recruiting teams MUST HEAD HUNT talent.

If your company is not headhunting, you are not getting the best talent available in the market.

Posting positions on websites, on LinkedIn, corporate sites or other social media sites only attracts "active candidates."

These are people who are looking for a job.

It is essential to connect with the very best talent available in the marketplace, the high performers who are engaged in their jobs and who are not even thinking about a career change.

These are called "passive candidates" and they are the ones who are most often the horse power for companies.

These people not only don’t apply to job advertisements, they don't even read or look for job advertisements.****

I don't even like to post my opportunities as it usually attracts the wrong candidates and causes more work for me in formulating professional responses.

I am much more effective for my clients when focusing my time targeting passive candidates.

Do not let your recruiting teams take the easy approach and post company positions, make them head hunt!

