Maximizing your coaching experience!

There seems to be an uptake in people utilizing coaching services again.  The market was pretty saturated a few years back, but then that was corrected when the demand for paid coaching services dropped considerably during tough economic times.   There are now more companies that offer coaching as an engagement tool and we are also seeing more companies offering mentoring support for their employees.  Some of that resurgence can probably be attributed to the positive steps that some companies have made regarding gender equality. Providing female employees with more support for development in the form of role model coaching has been a big win for many.

Some people fully engage the opportunity to access a mentor or coach, while others find it more difficult to embrace and do not get the most out of their experience. 

Here are some questions that you can use with your coach or mentor to ensure that you maximize your coaching experience.  The more meaningful the questions asked in a coaching session, the more likely it is that both individuals will receive value out of the relationship. A coach can sometimes also learn from listening to their own answers.

1.      How did you learn to embrace failure?

2.      What is the most important leadership lesson that you have learned?

3.      Tell me about a recent setback and how you recovered.

4.      I am considering a career transition, what are the pros and cons?


Questions for an internal coach or company mentor.


1.      Who do I need to align with in the organization to achieve success?

2.      What basic career advice you can offer on how to progress in my career?

3.      How do you successfully stay connected to key influencers who do not work in the same geographical area?

4.      Where do you see my strengths and where do I need to improve?

5.      What do you see as some of my blind spots?

6.      How do you think others perceive me?

7.      What skills do I need to move ahead?

8.      How can I become better at managing people who do not report to me?


Good luck with your personal growth!



