Battling the doldrums of February
Many of us have trouble getting up and energized when it is cold and dark. Lack of motivation and even depression can set into your mindset and even seep deeper into your soul.
Most high performing individuals combat the urge to wallow in their own misery when things are either not going well or when they feel that their work or energy is dragging. These people will create positive thoughts and generate positive energy for themselves which will deliver to them the desired results. When people adopt this approach, they will often invite more positivity into all aspects of their life.
Why not follow their lead and draw that good energy into your life. You can do this by practising the following:
1. Never say something negative about someone
2. Focus on what is right with your body
3. Remind yourself that you have absolutely no limits on what you intend to create
4. Kindness inspires!
5. Gratitude inspires!
6. Generosity inspires!
7. Listening inspires!
8. Being at peace inspires!
9. Living passionately inspires!
10. Truth inspires!
According to Brian Tracy, there is one other trick that many successful people use to inspire themselves to find their “happy place.” The trick is to find a picture of yourself as a happy child, and to place that picture somewhere that you will see it while you work. This will allow you to better relate to your true inner happiness and your strengths which is thought to be one’s purest point where they can generate personal success.
The way that you live your life is your choice. These suggestions don’t cost anything to practice, so why not give them a try?